Friday, 6 December 2013


Tonight was Natasha's final concert at Trinity. Here she is conducting the year 6 boys. I am happy with the photo because I think it really conveys their abundant enthusiam for music and performance...she was very proud of her boys and I am very proud of her.

 Today was the  Christmas Party at the golf club..the theme this year was "gruesome"..and surprisingly it was a great success. Above is a photo of Judith, Anne, Robyn and Marjolijn, they took out 1st and 2nd prize in the dress-up competition.


I thought Jane and Jane looked fabulous as Wednesday Adams.


The club room looking rather festive.


Marjolijn and I ...we played golf in our costumes as well, thankfully only 9 holes.


This evening was our final night at Bookclub , my original bookclub...I always make a bookmark using  the covers of the books we did for the was a particularly good year for good reads this year I thought.