Tuesday, 9 November 2021


The Indian Ocean near Cape Leeuwin....can see why there have been so many ship wrecks on this part of the coastline over the years.

Pete and I enjoyed walking down to this rather isolated beach, called Skippy Rock.

....and more isolated beaches a little north of Skippy Rock.

Two Hooded Plovers....

We were a little disappointed to arrive at the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse and find that the lighthouse is undergoing repair and maintenance. But we still enjoyed walking around the area, where the two oceans meet.

The Southern Ocean...

The Indian Ocean...and the pretty flowers amongst the rocks.

On our way back to Augusta we saw this amazing field of wildflowers.

In the afternoon Pete and I went for a walk along the beach and the river.

Walking towards the Blackwood River mouth....quite windy...enjoyed watching the kite surfers.

The Blackwood River seems to be home for many pelicans.

Looking back towards the ocean.

On our way back home...the river mouth is popular amongst both kite surfers and fishermen.