Monday, 26 December 2016

After another swim at the beach and a yummy lunch, we went out to Curtin University so I could show Pete and Chris the campus.

The Curtin Stadium..

On our way home we stopped off at Little Creatures for a drink and also Coast which had some wonderful views of the wild coast, as there was much more wind and swell since this morning. For  dinner we successfully cooked delicious pizzas on Pete's new pizza stone.

Christmas morning...and City Beach is packed. There was a huge swell. Pete and Chris are watching the waves.

Pete and Chris after a swim...

Out on the water you can see one of the new solar powered surface buoys, under which is a sonar shark detector. City is the first beach in WA to trial them.

After a relaxing morning , Pete, Chris and I went for a walk along the coast between Trigg and Mettam's Pool. The breeze was very strong and the water very choppy, the wind and kite surfers were having a great time.

Chris took this photo ...

Chris and Pete cooked dinner, beer can chicken on the barbecue and delicious potatoes roasted in duck fat. After dinner we took Jeremy out to the international airport to catch his flight to London.