Although the sun was shining when we woke, the forecast was for rain, everywhere, so Pete and I decided to spend the day driving. We wanted to go to the Coromandel Peninsula. We were planning on driving it over two days but decided to do it in one, since there was going to be rain. I have taken so many coastal shots and none of the lush green pastures that we drive through everyday. I have been taking some photos from the car window, some have worked out ok. They are just to get an idea of how pretty the countryside is here.
Not all their trees have leaves yet.
You often see this in NZ, low lying cloud.
Cows, cows and more cows...the North Island seems to have more cows (mainly dairy) than sheep. Pete and I remember seeing thousands of sheep in the South Island.
Coffee stop....just out of a town called Whangarei..
Lunch stop....just out of Auckland...Maraetai
Finally arrived in Miranda, hardly a town, but a small place with a Holiday Park that has a hot spring pool.