Fjaerland to Bergen
A cloudy, very still morning in Fjaerland....
We left this wonderful place after breakfast this morning ....a long drive back to Bergen.
Lovely reflections even though there was no felt incredibly calm.
Fjaerland....I took this photo from the other side of the fiord.
Had to catch yet another ferry.....this one was much bigger than those that we have been on...there were so many cars and camper vans on the road this morning, it's the beginning of the school holidays this weekend.
Big ship...bigger mountains...
Honestly I haven't fiddled with this photo...that is how those mountains looked...they reminded me of scrunched alfoil....really weird.
This was a beautiful view...near the town of Voss
We arrived in Bergen in the afternoon ....dropped our bags at our hotel, took the car to be charged and then returned it to the hire company. We walked back to the hotel and saw this on our way...interesting, we thought.